Hyde: Wanna come over late? After the dinner party?
Narc: May be seeing late movie, we'll see.
Hyde: I expect to be done midnight-ish. Just give me a heads up either way. But I want to see you.
Narc: PopStar back at my place tonight, as she has nowhere else to go, so may end up having "the talk" etc quite late. Will late you know.
Hyde: Ok. Whatever...
Narc: Well we have to work out the separation, which we haven't done yet. And it's not fair to her if she sees me sleeping elsewhere so soon after the breakup. Remember patience grasshopper...
Hyde: Thought you said it was "up to me" tonight. She's not my problem. I'm not gonna take backseat to her feelings. But I get the point. I won't offer myself again.
Narc: That was when I thought she was staying elsewhere tonight and not on my couch. Besides, the sooner we talk, the sooner it's over. Better this way, believe me.
I didn't write back.
But I am boiling. And hurting. Typical. And I'm still crazy.
Off to NDN's now. He's throwing a dinner party tonight.
Stop living YOUR life according to HIS clock.
He can't put aside time for you except when it's CONVENIENT to HIM.
Your time is too valuable.
You tried to extend your friendship and he dejected it.
Oh, sweetie! I feel so bad and want to give you a hug.
I've said before everything I will say about Narc, so I won't say it again.
Here's something I want to say about you...it's all about loving yourself. I can't tell you how to do that, I had a hard enough time trying to figure it out for me, and I still struggle.
Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.
Or is it what you want?
I don't know whether I want to give you a cyber-shake, or a cyber-hug, so I'll give you both, in that order.
Be well...
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