Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Maxima Enim, Patientia Virtus

There is a fierce lightning storm outside right now. I love it when the weather gets intense.

I just read an email from my friend NiS. He's living in Paris right now. He said he's been reading through my "Ghosts of Hyde" blog. I'm glad that he wrote to me. I'm thinking about what he said. And I have a lot of feelings right now... they're all sort of hovering above me and I can't quite make any of them out.

I'm just glad for the lightning.

The blinds are pulled down in my living room, but I can still peek through the bottom of one window and watch the blurred tail-lights of the traffic dripping down second avenue. The cars are darting about, like little neon fish in a tank.

I made a decision to do something today that I think is going to change things. But I can't do it just yet... so I'm not going to talk about it. I need to be patient.

"In God's time, not your time," as my sponsor would say.

"Patience is a virtue."

I'm just grateful for the terrifying thunder.

I have a new fantasy, as I told Hammer the other day-- I want to marry a tattooed timpani player.



Anonymous said...

We had lightning here Sunday night. It was amazing.

A tattooed timpani player...sounds like it wouldn't be a dull marriage. :)

Cody Bones said...

Can you put that in a profile on Match.com?

Billy said...

Hmm, marriage eh? I have been thinking a lot about marriage myself. Don't know if it's for me.

HistoryGeek said...

I missed the big storms. They are so rare around here.

swisslet said...

I have been bad and I have not been around here as much as I think your writing deserves. I am sorry for that. I'm here now, and I hope to make up for lost time.

I'm not sure why I'm commenting this here though, as it's a bit self-absorbed and off-topic.


The tattoos I can understand, but why timpani?


(incidentally, "The blinds are pulled down in my living room, but I can still peek through the bottom of one window and watch the blurred tail-lights of the traffic dripping down second avenue. The cars are darting about, like little neon fish in a tank." I love it. You're good. You must be a historian to write that well ;-) )

Hyde said...

Thanks for the compliment, ST! I'm glad to see you around. And as for the timpani-- it's because it makes my heart pound. :)
