This is the view from my bed-- it's what I saw when I opened my eyes and lay there, trying to avoid having to engage with the world.
When I finally did get up, I went to therapy. The next pic is of the building where my therapist's office is located.
When I left therapy I headed to school to meet with my department chair. (The meeting went very well, by the way!). I took some pictures on my way there around 34th Street.
Anyway, I forgot to take pictures for the rest of the afternoon. But on my way to AA, I tried to catch some of the remaining Christmas lights on Park Avenue, so I shot this from a cab. (It didn't come out all that well).
This next picture is my favorite for the day. It's a picture of the church where I went to AA.
I ended up going over to Narc's place that night. I took this picture of the outside of his building.
They just remodeled his lobby and it's a little strange. Here's a picture of what I saw as I entered his building. (PS: His doorman thought it was really weird that I was snapping photos!)
And this last picture is of some really yummy squid I ate the other day. (The Green River Roll belonged to Pixie.)
Thank you for disecting your day!
Cool pics. I should do that sometime.
This was fun... thanks! *G*
HOORAY!!!!! Thank you so much Hyde! The pictures are great!
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